3,000 students to benefit from ‘Great at Eight’ Early Literacy Program


In 2025 and with the support of Telethon, the EdConnect Great at Eight program will focus on providing 150 trained and skilled volunteers to primary schools to work with children who are at risk of falling behind in literacy skill development before they reach a pivotal point in their reading – the end of Year 3.

EdConnect Australia supports Students at Educational Risk across Western Australia through the well-established school volunteer program.

It has been found that fewer than 1-in-5 students who perform below the national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy in the Year 3 NAPLAN tests catch up and stay caught up.¹

Providing additional support for children in the early years sets them up for greater success. Reading is a basic building block for all learning, stimulating imagination and creativity and supporting children’s holistic development².

EdConnect General Manager WA, Carol Shannon, speaks to the long-term impact of the EdConnect program.

“EdConnect’s volunteer learning and mentor support for junior primary students has an immediate and long-term impact on children’s futures,” she said.

“Our current EdConnect volunteer program is student-centric. EdConnect Australia works with schools, where Students at Educational Risk (SaER) are matched with volunteers who can give them focused time, support, and encouragement,” she said.

“EdConnect volunteers take their wealth of life experience, knowledge, and skill into classrooms to create meaningful learning and development relationships with students over extended periods.”

“We are absolutely thrilled to, once more, be announced as one of the Telethon Beneficiaries. These 150 volunteers are set to provide benefit to 3,000 K-3 students from the additional, focused support provided to them,” said Carol.

Working with over 240 schools nationally, EdConnect prioritises partnerships with schools in lower socio-economic areas with the highest need. These schools know their students best and can clearly identify where extra support is needed to assist students at educational risk.

“On average, one volunteer will impact on the learning and development outcomes of 20 students per annum It is our goal that 3,000 K-3 students benefit from the additional, focussed support provided to them through the EdConnect program. 150 volunteers will impact on the learning and development outcomes of 3,000 students,” she finishes.

For more information about the EdConnect Australia volunteer program visit www.edconnectaustralia.org.au, contact edconnect@edconnect.org.au or call 1800 668 550.

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Carol Shannon
General Manager WA
P | 1800 668 550