Finding purpose in volunteering


A first generation Australian who found purpose in volunteering with EdConnect Australia, Vania Milton is passionate about being a part of community and helping kids.

She joined the organisation in early 2022 to provide learning support to some of the students in need at Blacktown North Public School. Today, she has become an integral part of these students’ lives.

“I support year 1 and year 2 students at a local school, primarily with reading skills. Getting positive feedback from these children when you aid them with their assignments in class is rewarding. It is what keeps me going, above and beyond, to spend time with them, to empower them”, shares Vania.

“At EdConnect Australia we strongly believe that volunteers like Vania are the forerunners of greater good and the force behind social change. Their commitment to the cause, and willingness to give their time and energy for a better future of this country’s youth is what brings us a step closer to achieving our vision and mission,” said EdConnect Liaison Officer Rhonda Velkovski.

Vania’s mantra – “just enjoy helping and the kids will respond” is not only her secret to building positive and supportive relationships with each student, but also a source of inspiration to her co-mentors.

Rhonda happily gives testimony to her contagious enthusiasm.

“Vania loves being active and involved; it is just great to her getting so much from the volunteer role!”, she said.

EdConnect Australia trains and supports volunteers to work in local schools, providing a safety net for young people who might otherwise struggle to realise their potential – in school and life. It is Australia’s only intergenerational volunteering charity which operates within both primary and secondary schools.

For more information on our volunteering program click here, email or call 1800 668 550.