My health commenced to decline somewhat and after careful consideration I resolved to resign from the company with whom I had held a position for over twenty years. I thought that, being only a few years short from formal retirement age, I would be able to enjoy leisurely days relishing in my abandoned hobbies, writing a book to my grandchildren on my life in the 1960’s versus theirs as it currently is and just tinkering around. Three months into being at home, I was feeling quite unmotivated, downhearted and deflated with each passing day appearing endless.
My daughter suggested looking into volunteering in the aged care sector and this I did do, but on reading the “fine print” the butterflies in my persona were fluttering me further away from the idea as I did not sense that this was the domain that suited me.
One evening whilst casually searching online I happened to view a volunteering advertisement placed by EdConnect (Australia) which, literally, woke me to the core. The organisation was seeking a Classroom Learning Support Volunteer and after reading over it several times, with enduring doubts and a sprinting heart, I responded to same and forwarded a short overview of my work experience to the organisation.
In due course I was contacted by EdConnect (Australia) Local Liaison Officer, Rhonda Velkovski, and thereafter partook in a Zoom interview. Even at this point I felt that if my application was successful, I had finally found my passion, albeit in my “third age”.