Useful Links

Useful Links

In this section you will be able to access a range of informative websites that we have chosen due to their relevance with education, volunteering, mentoring and/or young people. These are of relevance for both school based staff and volunteers.

Schools Online

Schools Online is a directory of all public schools in Western Australia.

Click here

Department of Education WA Home page

Click here

Internet Safety

Click here

My School Website

MySchool Website is a resource for parents, educators and the community to give readily accessible information about each of Australia’s just over 10,000 schools.

Click here

Department of Education – Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework

Click here


Whole School Approach

SDERA produces numerous, user friendly resources to support schools who are implementing a whole school approach in resilience, drug education or road safety. Resources are based on best practice research including the Health Promoting Schools Framework and include a range of easy-to-use tools and templates, sample action plans, drug and road safety education guidelines, and other information that will support a whole school approach. Schools can download the documents straight from the resources or can adapt them to suit their school context and needs.

Click here

Whole School Drug Education Plan (School Drug Education Guidelines)

Research shows that school drug education opens up a dialogue about drugs and consequences of drug use that can increase help seeking behaviour where concerns around drug use exist. Having a drug education plan that is documented and shared across the whole school community is protective of staff as well as students and also ensures that parents understand the school’s intentions to work proactively when drug use issues arise. SDERA can help you to develop a whole school drug education plan (School Drug Education Guidelines).

Click here

Fact Sheets

School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) have consulted and collaborated with teachers and community members to identify content that can provide support and assistance to schools. These fact sheets have been funded by and developed in partnership with the Department of Education.

Click here

Factsheet 1 – Adolescent Issues

Factsheet 2 – Building Relationships

Factsheet 3 – Getting to know your Mentee

Factsheet 4 – Troubleshooting Relationships

Factsheet 6 – Early Termination

Factsheet 8 – Closing the Match

Factsheet 11 – Cross-Cultural Mentoring

Factsheet 16 – Mentoring Indigenous Youth

Factsheet 17 – Closing a Match