From its humble beginnings at Mount Lawley Senior High School to a burgeoning national children’s charity EdConnect Australia (formerly known as The School Volunteer Program) celebrates its 20th birthday.
Guests at our birthday celebration include the Honourable Peter Collier MLC Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Electoral Affairs, Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery AC, AO(Mil), MC retd, and the Honourable Cheryl Edwardes AM amongst many more guests as well as volunteers being honoured for their decades of giving back to the WA community and to our younger generations. Our MC for the evening former journalist Ian Haseby will take guests for a trip down memory lane with entertainment provided courtesy of the Mount Lawley Senior High school band.
Over the past 20 years EdConnect Australia has provided support and guidance to many, many thousands of students who need that bit extra help through community volunteers with the time and commitment to give back to our younger generations said CEO Craig Stewart. Our army of volunteers are in hundreds of schools each and every day providing mentoring and learning support. Last year alone our volunteers returned over $3m in time alone notwithstanding the incalculable positive outcomes being achieved for young people who need help the most.
With over 2000 charities closing each year EdConnect Australia, which is part of a small cohort of national medium sized charities, has withstood the test of time and continues to respond to the needs of our school communities.
EdConnect Australia promotes education success and well-being through our inter-generational volunteer base. Working in partnership with schools, we provide students with a positive, older role model to help them develop
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